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How to be Effortlessly Charismatic Like Emillia Clarke
by Emma • Wed, 09 Mar 2022 13:26PM
There are many ways to accelerate your career. One job may require you to have excellent creativity to prove your capability, while other roles demand different skills such as logical thinking or problem solving. But one thing for sure, no matter what kind of occupation you have, you will most likely have any sort of interactions with others whilst carrying out your duty. Besides excellent communication skills, a successful career is also supported by a particular personality: charismatic.
Read More: In-Demand Skills to Learn While Working Full-Time
Being Charismatic with Context
Being charismatic is often described as having outstanding leadership skills, but it is not always the case. People look up to figures like Barack Obama or Martin Luther King mostly because they ooze confidence and strong assertiveness that are simply enchanting to many. However, there are other, often contextually better, ways to be charismatic.
When you are only starting your career, it is almost always better to win people’s hearts by being on their side rather than proving you are “better” than them. Competitiveness is a given in the workplace and you can expect some office rivalry against ambitious individuals - which is not inherently bad. But rather than joining the wrestling, actually you can walk around it and still get the spotlight. Now, who else is the best at charming people other than the Mother of Dragons, Emilia Clarke?
How to Charm People Like Emilia Clark
It is counterintuitive but letting other people have the spotlight is actually the easiest way you could win their hearts. A lot of people characterize leadership as being assertive and dominating whereas in reality, friendliness and togetherness are highly appreciated as well, and Emilia Clarke is the living proof of that. So, this is how she do it effortlessly:
Work on your genuine smile
The first thing you will notice after watching Emilia Clarke’s interview videos is that she has a really bright and genuine smile. This is the number one reason why so many people find her very charismatic at a glance. In case you have not noticed, smiling is the most effective weapon so people lower their guards around you. Showing a smile can promote friendship and teamwork better and faster - and obviously you need both to succeed in your job.
Build up others by listening to them
Emilia Clarke has this powerful habit of affirming and validating what others have to say to her. For example, when an interviewer says, “It was a weird experience,” she will immediately respond, “Yes, it is weird.” Turns out, repeating what others say to you is a recommended method you should try to practice active listening. Not only does it show that you truly listen to what others have to say, occasional affirmative answers will also help them feel validated and therefore be more open to you.
Be enthusiastic even when others don’t
If you still think that being friendly and accommodating is not suitable for professionals, Emilia Clarke has proven you wrong. During an acceptance speech, the creators of Game of Thrones tell the story of how Emilia Clarke wins the heart of the president of HBO by robot dancing during her audition. This goes to show that having fun with your job is not always scrutinized. Actually, when you aim to be charming, be sure you set your energy level higher than others and rub it off to the whole room.
In a nutshell, there are so many ways one can be charismatic. However, what we mostly see being represented in media or real life is the dominating and sometimes cold appearance that may be a put off for some. This, of course, is not true. You can be a charismatic leader while also still being everyone's good colleague. What it takes is only a will to #BreakTheBias!
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